Teilnahme am Englisch-Vorlesewettbewerb des Netzwerks „Bergisch-Rheinische Europaschulen“
Taline Grüne aus der Klasse 7d hat in den letzten Wochen erfolgreich an dem Englisch-Vorlesewettbewerb des Netzwerks „Bergisch-Rheinische Europaschulen“ teilgenommen. Nachdem sie sich zunächst in der Klasse und dann innerhalb der Jahrgangsstufe durchsetzen konnte, vertrat sie das Gymnasium Schwertstraße in der finalen Runde an der Bettine-Von-Arnim-Gesamtschule in Langenfeld.

Taline berichtet im Folgenden über ihre Erfahrungen bei der Endausscheidung – passend auf Englisch:
I sat down at my seat, adrenaline rushing through my veins. One of the jury members handed out turned over cards with numbers on them. That was the order in which we had to read. She went from the left side of the table to the right. I was the last person. With only one card left, I didn’t have much of a choice. I took it and nervously turned it around. I let out a sigh of relief as I read the number 4. I looked at the audience, showing my number. Not a moment later the first person started reading.
Then the second, then the third and after that – me. I took a deep breath and began with the familiar part of the story. I started reading, the tension sinking with each word. Half into the page, I wasn’t in the school hall anymore, but in the world of the book. As I finished the last line on the paper, I glanced into the small room full of people. The room filled with applause. I smiled in relief.
Then came the unknown text. My heart pounded, but I focused on my words, letting the story guide me. To my surprise, I found a rhythm in the words I was reading. I managed to add some expression to my voice and my nervous energy completely went away. When I finished, a warm, encouraging applause washed over me. I smiled a genuine smile, not the nervous one I’d worn earlier. I began to realize: it didn’t matter if I won or lost. I had faced the challenge and shared my love for reading with others. That was a victory, truly worth winning.
Text: Taline Grüne, Einleitung: Carolin Ludowigs